Compensation Taskforce — Early Childhood Leadership Commission

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Colorado Department of Early Childhood's Compensation & Benefits Task Force

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood is convening an EC Compensation and Benefits Task Force. House Bill 22-1295, which created the Department of Early Childhood, also called for the Department in partnership with the Early Childhood Leadership Commission to develop a plan for recruiting, training, and retaining a well-compensated, well-prepared, high-quality statewide early childhood workforce.

Building on the EC Workforce 2020 Plan and additional review of comparative national, state, and local research related to Early Childhood Compensation and Benefits, CDEC has partnered with Afton Partners, Pillars Research, and the Center for Early Learning Funding Equity to stand up this Task Force who is charged with recommending the most promising strategies for increasing compensation and access to comprehensive benefits for Colorado’s ECE workforce. The state has received feedback from child care programs and professionals at three focus group sessions held on October 14th, 2022, October 17th, 2022, and November 15th, 2023.

Click to learn more about the Early Childhood Compensation & Benefits Task Force Members & Focus Group Information.

Meeting Schedule:

The Compensation and Benefits Task Force will meet every 3-weeks between October and mid-December.

Meeting dates:

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