ECLC Resources

Early Childhood Colorado Framework

Access in Early Childhood Programs

This resource, developed in 2024, is designed to help early childhood programs and systems leaders consider access in decision-making.

Areas of Opportunity Reports

These reports, released in 2019 and 2021, were developed to provide information to help the ECLC monitor progress across 3 Areas of Opportunity identified as priorities by the Commission. The 2021 report includes additional indicators for the third Area of Opportunity and updated data from the first report.

Communications Resources

Early Childhood Data Sources

This spreadsheet was created to collect data sources for use by early childhood professionals when designing data and evaluation efforts or to support data-driven decision-making.

Economic Mobility in Early Childhood

  • Coming soon

Elevating Early Childhood: Colorado’s Early Childhood System Strategic Plan

Home Visiting Resources

Pathways to Success: Colorado’s Comprehensive Early Childhood Workforce Plan

Statewide Early Childhood Plans List

This resource was created to gather all statewide early childhood plans for the purpose of supporting alignment.

Transition to CDEC