Early Childhood Workforce Development Subcommittee

(Formerly the Early Childhood Professional Development (ECPD) Advisory Working Group)

Co-chairs: Heather Craiglow, Jennifer O’Brien, Paula smith

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The Early Childhood Leadership Commission endorsed the Colorado Early Childhood Workforce 2020 Plan in June, 2017. The Early Childhood Workforce Development (ECWD) Subcommittee works to leverage comprehensive, collaborative, and responsive leadership to achieve the vision of the EC Workforce 2020 Plan. The Colorado Department of Early Childhood and the Early Childhood Leadership Commission, in partnership with Early Milestones Colorado, will be updating and expanding upon the Early Childhood Workforce 2020 Plan, creating a new Colorado Comprehensive Early Childhood Workforce Plan!

The purpose of the Early Childhood Workforce Development Subcommittee is to develop recommendations regarding a quality, cohesive professional development and career advancement system, including performance metrics to guide continuous improvement processes for professionals working with young children.

Early Childhood Workforce Development Subcommittee Charge

2024 Meeting Dates:
February 20, April 2, June 4, August 6, October 1, December 3

Do you want to serve on the ECWD or an ECWD Working Group! Apply here!

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 ~ 1:00-3:00 pm

Previous Meeting:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 ~ 1:00-3:00 pm